

2.如何让brain满载:make full use of dark time。效率高了,可以做到一个非你本专业专业领域的卓越,roller-skating  badmintion whatever

3.process switching costs large amount of time.Set only two goals a day

4.Do not tell youself you don't have interents for excuse. The key is whether you have the fuel to keep your intreset burning.你的性格里是否有维持兴趣火种不停燃烧的燃料,而不是风一吹、水一泼就灭了---我觉得区别他们呢和其他人的,并不是他们超过常人的兴趣,而是他们拥有超人的毅力。。maybe it's right

5.Don't be the donkey which starving to die between the haymow.学A还是学B,纠结之中时间就过了

6.The knowledge you have don't depend on how many points you can remember,but depend on whether you can get the point in your brain when you want to use it.知识存放于大脑中,关键是在恰当的时候能够想起来去使用。

7.We need clue to help us get the knowledge in our brain.So try every possible means to indurate the clue.把记忆的场景连同环境、味道、声音都于记忆的内容编码在一起。这样可以使记忆的调取有坚固的线索

8.Create oportunite to review.eg. discuss with someone else、file your notes、tell someone else the point you learned. 通过讲述、笔记、整理笔记的方式让自己不断的复习

9.对重要的事情采取主动关注,即惦念着这件事情,杂乱的事情采取被动关注,即它trouble到你时再去处理,如收拾桌子、衣柜、收衣服。。quite like me

10.When you learn something new.ask yourself three question; 本质是什么、第一原则是什么、知识结构式怎样的。

11.often ask these question when studying and thinking :你的问题到底是什么;到现在为止的收获;将自己的东西讲给别人听;讲给一个完全不懂得外行听;反省自己的思维过程,看自己思维那个环节有漏洞;养成反驳自己的习惯

12.重视提前积累的强大力量。if you can make your plan one year earlier, 你可以有多一年的时间来为你的目标来准备、积累

13.思维的东西是跨学科的,you can use it in any time, 用好了可以事半功倍




1. Why human being always can't be satisfied with what they already have? 在生物的进化史中,你必须于残酷的优胜劣汰的环境做斗阵。经过漫长的塞选和淘汰,如今剩下来的基因都是“挣钱基因”。从数学角度来说,自然选择过程试图优化的目标函数是“繁衍概率”,而不是人们都想追求的“幸福感”

2.用理性的声音to reason the primitive man in your mind

3.A few lines of reasoning can change the way we see the world.人类强大的力量之一:归纳和推理,从别人的错误中总结经验

4.Nowadays we live in a city interpersonal relationship is often change. the costy of the fialure of social intercourse is nearly zero.勇敢地迈出第一步。

5.我们对于很多事情的决策判断都刻画在天性里面,天性往往会让我进入选择的困境。We are primitive man liveing in a information society




9.困难的路越走越容易,容易的道路越走越难。 do not agree totally.live in the moment is what i always believe.





Category: 书、论文阅读 | Tags: 思维方法 | Read Count: 984
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