Androstep:Android Storage Performance Analysis Tool



AndroStep consists of workload generator:Mobibench   and workload analyzer: MOST


3.2 MOST:Moblie Storage Analyzer

MOST consist of (i)a modified Linux kernel that maintins processes and file-related information for IOs;(ii)a block analyzer that enables identification of a file for a given block,(iii)blktrace utility

the information nedds to be collected from different layer.MOST collects the IOtrace at the block device driver level to deduces the file information and then it process information for each respective block.MOST addresses three reverse-mapping issue:LBA-to-file,LBA-to-process and retrospective LBA mapping


2.LBA-to-process :create a process-to-block mapping table.the entry of the table is <LBA,process id>.When the IO scheduler inserts the IO request into the queue,MOST inserts the<LBA,process id>information into the process-to-block mapping table.当后期给出一个LBA,可以通过这个table可以用重新获得process id

3.retrospectve LBA mapping.In Android,many files are shortlives and are created and rapidly delete by SQLite.They are fsync()ed to NAND storage.We need file information for a given LBA when a trace is recored not when posthumously analyzed.但MOST准备分析一个LBA时,这个文件也许都已经被删掉了。怎么解决这个问题呢:MOST 创建了一个file-to-block的表,表的每一项是<LBA,FILE>.当IO调度器plugs in the LBA to the 调度队列,MOST向表中插入一项<LBA,FILE>,之后通过给定的LBA再在这个表里查需要的信息。为了减小表的大小。只为temporary file向表中插入信息。


Mobile Storage Analyzer的输出:








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198.168.o.1 说:
2022年8月09日 11:23

Internet is something we all use in our daily life to experience different things from Entertainment in our personal life to getting extensive work done in the office life as well, but in order to do this you might turn to your Internet connection via the Wi-Fi which is only accessible if you have a router that allows to give you Wireless connection which is WAN in simple terms. 198.168.o.1 And there are a lot of routers all across the world that use different Internet Protocol Gateways to access the Admin panel and some of these routers use the IP Address

AP 10th Civics Quest 说:
2022年9月18日 01:55

Department of Education and Secondary Education Board has designed the AP SSC Civics Model Paper 2023 Pdf with answers for Telugu Medium, English Medium & Urdu Medium Students of the State Board. Every year there are a huge number of teaching staff and educational portals of the state have suggested the practice question bank with revision questions for both medium students of the board. AP 10th Civics Question Paper In civics, students learn to contribute to public processes and discussions of real issues. Students can also learn civic practices such as voting, volunteering, jury service, and joining with others to improve society. Civics enables students not only to study how others participate but also to practice participating and taking informed action themselves.

Alyssa 说:
2022年12月30日 20:08

Android has become the most popular mobile operating system in recent years. With the increase of Android devices, there is a need for better diamond rings tools to analyze the storage performance of these devices. Androstep is one such tool that can help developers to better understand the storage performance of their Android devices. Androstep is an Android storage performance analysis tool that can help developers to identify storage performance issues on their devices.

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